Friday, March 12, 2010

syntax for literals

In Scheme/Lisp, literal lists are expressed using the quote syntax: '(1 2 3), which is expanded by the reader to (QUOTE 1 2 3). In Lisp, quoted list structures are important, especially for macros (which I'm deliberately trying not to support in order to avoid becoming dependent on the lisp syntax).

I need a literal syntax for Irken, and until now I've used QUOTE, but it's causing me a lot of trouble now that I'm using algebraic datatypes.

To put this in terms that a C programmer can understand, this is a literal array of integers:

  int thing[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

Without a literal syntax, you'd have to do this:

  int * thing = malloc (sizeof(int) * 5);
thing[0] = 1;

The 'list' datatype is declared like any other - it's not built in to the compiler (though I could certainly do that):
(datatype list
(:cons 'a (list 'a))
The compiler will translate '(1 2) into:
(QUOTE (list:cons 1 (list:cons 2 (list:nil)))).

But this leaves all the other datatypes with no convenient syntax - and worse - with no way to identify or express literals. This has turned into a big problem for the parser and lexer, where I really need to build the literals at compile-time (otherwise I get huge executables that do nothing but build data structures).

Right now I'm playing with this syntax:

(literal (tree:node (tree:leaf 1) (tree:node (tree:leaf 2) (tree:leaf 3))))
The grammar for 'constructed' literals is:

literal ::= (<constructor> <literal> ... ) | (vector <literal> ...) | immediate

The question is - should I retain QUOTE just for lists? I hate having two syntaxes for two very similar concepts. All the ML-like languages have a special syntax for lists, which is probably an indicator that it's important. On the other hand - the special syntax might encourage people to misuse the list datatype simply because it's more convenient - e.g., you might build a binary tree out of lists (which wastes a lot of heap) rather than declaring a proper datatype.

1 comment:

  1. Here's another lisp that mixes a modern type system in. Note how they've added in pattern matching...

    Qi Programming Language
